In 2004 when we opened our shop in Rigaud, Quebec, it was quite by accident. Our house had burned down and we needed a place to live. The two story brownstone on the main street of Rigaud was empty and for sale. Upon securing the apartment, we discovered the empty commercial kitchen that had once been the town bakery. Tina thought I was mad, but I figured a little bit of elbow grease and hard work and we wouldn’t have to rent a kitchen somewhere else. Peppermaster had found a home.

Since then we have grown to expand manufacturing to a family of well over 20 different clients.

If you joined the Club after visiting our shop, we welcome you and are glad to have met you. If you found yourself here another way, we invite you to join the other club members and visit the shop the first chance you get. Neither the Peppermaste website, nor this little secret enclave can do it justice.

This is our home, and we really enjoy sharing it with you and getting to know you!